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[RTTY] Calender of RTTY and address for WriteLog updates etc.

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Calender of RTTY and address for WriteLog updates etc.
From: galljug@btl.net (Bruce W. Miller)
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 06:10:45 -0500
I am trying to get my collective act back together to get back into the 
RTTY contest world.  I need to upgrade WriteLog and probably RTTY.   Where 
are the web address for same?  I tried links saved but old "Not found" on 
the screen.

How about a site that has RTTY contest calender so I can start planning for 
future contests.


Bruce W. Miller
A digital beat from the jungles of Belize
Gallon Jug
Belize, Central America

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