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[Karlnet] License Key Generation for Older BIN Files

To: "Karlnet Mailing List" <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: [Karlnet] License Key Generation for Older BIN Files
From: "Eric Meth" <emeth@iescomm.on.ca>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 17:40:05 -0400
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Any of you long term Karlnet distributors able to generate license keys for
v3.79 BIN files?
Karlnet themselves will no longer generate KEYS for version 3.79.
I have acquired an older 2 Port FLASHROM unit that uses an ISA card that was
only supported up to version 3.79. It was also the only stable version that
supported the 2.4GHz WaveLAN cards.
I hate to thoimk I have acquired another "Boat Anchor"
Anyone help? Charles?, WaveWireless?, "Open Minds Corp."?
Eric Meth
IES Communications
Cornwall, Ontario CANADA

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