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[ct-user] NEQP & 7PQ Anomalies

To: CT-User@contesting.com
Subject: [ct-user] NEQP & 7PQ Anomalies
From: R Johnson <k1vu@tmlp.com>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 18:13:24 -0400
List-post: <mailto:ct-user@contesting.com>
Before I send Ken a bug report I wanted to check to see if anyone else noticed
these problems. I'm using CT 10.02.008 (DOS)

1-In NEQP using the "W1 Side" CT would only accept 4 characters instead of 5,
  i.e. PLYM instead of PLYMA

2-Using NEQP in the Non-W1 Side with the 7QP data files CT would accept the full
  5 characters  

3-the ".ALL Files" were titled "CQ WORLD WIDE 160 METER CONTEST CQ" instead of

Anything I missed ???

TNX es 73
Bob, K1VU  

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