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[ct-user] RAC CANADA DAY CONTEST - July 1, 2001

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] RAC CANADA DAY CONTEST - July 1, 2001
From: Gord Kosmenko <gkosmenko@arrowspeed.com> (Gord Kosmenko)
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 10:12:41 -0600

                                 RAC CANADA DAY CONTEST - July 1, 2001
                                                  EMAIL SUBMISSIONS
                   The email log submissions procedure for RAC Canada Day 
are as follows, please
                    ensure that your email submission compels with all 
requested details. Send
                   your email log submission to the following email address;



            A summary sheet is required with each log entry. For your email 
submission it is requested
            that IN THE MAIN BODY OF YOUR EMAIL and contain the RAC Canada 
Day summary details.

            The summaries produced by CT and TRLOG  need to be augmented 
with the following
                                           Canadian QSOs    _______  x 10 
points = __________
                                      RAC Station QSOs    ________ x 20 
points = __________
                                                       DX QSOs    ________ 
x   2 points = __________

QSO Points = __________

Totals = __________

CLAIMED SCORE ___________
          LOG DETAILS

          The log file to be an ATTACHMENT TO YOUR EMAIL and it should 
reflect the following
          file formats;

            Any plain text, fixed column, format with all columns filled is 
acceptable. The
            band on which each contact was made MUST be in the line with 
the callsign
            and other QSO info.

            The CT and NA binary files (.BIN, .QDF) are OK but I PERFER the 
text file
            output (.ALL, .PRN).

            Spreadsheet, database, and word processor files MUST be saved 
as text files
             before sending them. Please don't DON'T send the binary files 
(.DBF, .XLS,
             .DOC, .RTF)


            I need pictures for the TCA magazine articles and the website. 
Please send digital
            pictures or scanned photographs of your station, contest 
operation, etc., to

WWW:                      http://www.k1ea.com/
Submissions:              ct-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ct-user@contesting.com

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  • [ct-user] RAC CANADA DAY CONTEST - July 1, 2001, Gord Kosmenko <=