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[ct-user] LAPTOP +

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] LAPTOP +
From: Hank Kohl K8DD <k8dd@arrl.net> (Hank Kohl K8DD)
Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2000 13:12:00 -0400
Sounds like you want to take a look at the "DefineKey" command to open 
a window for remapping keys.  Page 43 Ver. 9 manual.

73    Hank    K8DDAt 02:44 PM 04-10-00 -0400, MIKE GREENWAY wrote:

>All of the laptops I have used never allow the use of the + key in a 
>stroke which gives  F3 and enter together.   Any chance there could be a
>command line switch added to allow the use of something like = or ` (the
>sign under the tilde) for us laptop users?  73  Mike K4PI   K4PI@ATT.NET
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