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[ct-user] New QSL9

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] New QSL9
From: k0hb@juno.com (Hans Brakob) (Hans Brakob)
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 08:18:39 -0600
Ken Wolff <K1EA@contesting.com> writes:

>I have updated QSL9 to handle the old or new time formats 
>automatically. It is available in http://www.contesting.com/ctvault/

Could you also fix '9TO8.EXE'? 

My regular logging program only imports from CT8.

73, Hans, K0HB

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  • [ct-user] New QSL9, <K1EA@contesting.com (Ken Wolff)
    • [ct-user] New QSL9, Hans Brakob <=