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[ct-user] CT Network - Ethernet

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] CT Network - Ethernet
From: Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson@arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW)
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 1997 15:18:00 -0400
Hello Gord,

Yea, I think someone will come forward with the Ethernet info again.

On a related subject, has anyone thought about porting CT to Unix,
(Linux, actually, which will run on a PC), as it's known for it's
multi-user capabilities? Wonder if a Linux box running CT could
then be hooked up to a bunch of simple terminals (via ethernet)
and make life easy for multi-ops?

Vry 73,
Glenn  KB1GW

P.S. Linux comes in several "distributions," but they are all based on the 
basic underlying software. (A '386 or better with 8 Meg of RAM will do it 
for you.)

For more info on the Linux operating system (a Unix work-alike), which is 
free, BTW, see:
 -- The Linux Users' Guide at:

 -- Linux Online - The Linux Home Page http://www.linux.org/
 -- The Debian distribution (of freeware):  http://www.us.debian.org/

 -- Debian Linux Installation & Getting Started: 

 --Finally to download Linux, see:  Installing Debian GNU/Linux 1.3
stable/disks-i386/current/install.html   (That's all on one line.) Scan down 
the page 'til you get to the part that says: "Methods for Installing Debian"

Are hams using Linux?  See: 

And,  ftp://amsat.org/amsat/software/Linux/

But you should be comfy with messing with a new operating system if you're 
going to delve into this. We now return you to "CT and the case of the 
missing VE section."

>From: Gord Kosmenko
>To: ct-user
>Subject: [ct-user] CT Network - Ethernet
To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
>Date: Thursday, September 04, 1997 11:41AM
>------------------Internet Headers------------------
>From: Gord Kosmenko <ve6sv@oanet.com>
>Hello CT User's ..... has anyone successfully established a ethernet
>connection/network, say for four sites ?
>I believe a number of months ago someone was working on this type of
>project ... can you advise ?
>Thanks much 73 de Gord VE6SV
>     ***************************************************
>     * Gordon R. Kosmenko       Email  ve6sv@oanet.com *
>     * 277 - 52306 Rge Rd 212   Home   (403) 922-4331  *
>     * Sherwood Park, AB        Work   (403) 414-1266  *
>     * T8G 1A9                  Fax    (403) 414-1269  *
>     ***************************************************
>Submissions:              ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org
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>WWW:                      http://www.ve7tcp.ampr.org/Software/ct
>Questions:                owner-ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org

Submissions:              ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org
Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@ve7tcp.ampr.org
WWW:                      http://www.ve7tcp.ampr.org/Software/ct
Questions:                owner-ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org

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