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Re: [CQ-Contest] How They Win: Ham Radio Contest Secrets from N6MJ and K

To: Kevin Thomas <kthomas@littlejohnisland.me>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] How They Win: Ham Radio Contest Secrets from N6MJ and KL9A
From: Stan Zawrotny <k4sbz.stan@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 14:19:30 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
This is a great video. I even managed to stay awake for the entire video.
Lots of information shared.

Stan, K4SBZ

"Real radio bounces off the sky."

On Dec 5, 2023, at 9:49 PM, Kevin Thomas <kthomas@littlejohnisland.me>

How They Win: Ham Radio Contest Secrets from N6MJ and KL9A

Dan Craig N6MJ and Chris Hurlbutt KL9A are phenoms in the ham radio
contesting world. They’ve competed 9 times at the World Radiosport Team
Championships and have been on the podium together twice - Gold in 2014 and
Bronze in 2018. I caught up with Dan and Chris just days after their 1st
(N6MJ) and 2nd (KL9A) place finishes in the 2023 CQ Worldwide CW contest
Single Operator High Power All Band category. For that contest, Dan
traveled to ZF1A in Grand Cayman and Chris to TI7W in Costa Rica. They are
open about their operating strengths and weaknesses but especially talk
about the preparation and station excellence that are required to win.
There is much to learn from Dan and Chris' commitment to ham radio, their
high level of operating skills, and their reminder that at the end of the
day we all share a fun and camaraderie filled hobby.

You Tube Interview at this link:: https://youtu.be/OEA_Ky2Lg24

- Kevin W1DED

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