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[CQ-Contest] CQWW Contest Committee comments on audio recordings (was MM

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQWW Contest Committee comments on audio recordings (was MM3AWD)
From: DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL <kr2q@optimum.net>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2018 06:27:59 -0500 (EST)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
It is not the practice of the CQWW Contest Committee to respond publicly to comments about individual entries. After discussion within the committee, the following short memo was deemed appropriate.
1.	As with all requests for an audio file, this log contained a number 
of unusual events and QSOs.
2.	Using our globally placed SDR network (which copied MM3AWD perfectly 
well) we did not hear
those QSOs take place, so he was asked for a recording.

3. A recording was not provided, so the Contest Committee took the action of exercising Rule XII (C), which states: "If no recording is made available, the Committee may reclassify to an appropriate category, reclassify to Administrative Check Log, or disqualify the entry." http://cqww.com/rules.htm
4.	Of the three options available, Administrative Check Log was deemed 
the most appropriate.

We don't ask everybody in the "top 5" for a recording. We need something suspicious or curious. Please see the July 23, 2017 BLOG, item #4: http://cqww.com/blog/2017-cqww-rules-update-announcement/
Here is an excerpt from the blog:

[Editorial comment: It is important to note a few things about the “recording” rule. First, 2016 was not the first year for this rule. Second, the committee does not and will not request a recording simply because an entrant is in the top 5. The committee will request a recording when something suspicious or curious in the log is identified by the committee. This can be a statistical flag or something identified after human review. The committee does not request a recording in an attempt to “go fishing” for something “out of the blue” or “without reason.” If you are not breaking the rules or trying to stretch the rules beyond the letter and/or spirit of the rules, you are probably not going to be asked for a recording.]

It would be helpful to any discussion on CQ-Contest if the commenters would be familiar with the CQWW
Rules before jumping to and posting irrational conclusions.

Doug, KR2Q
on behalf of the CQWW Contest Committee
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