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Re: [CQ-Contest] Simple on-time / off-time calculations

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Simple on-time / off-time calculations
From: k3bu@optonline.net
Reply-to: k3bu@optonline.net
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 15:16:34 +0000 (GMT)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
> If you have the following two QSOs - you have a minute of off time.<BR>> 
> QSO: 14000 CW 2006-11-04 2102 W7RM 5 B 67 OR W9IOP 2 B 52 NFl
> QSO: 14000 CW 2006-11-04 2104 W7RM 6 B 67 OR N0NI 4 Q 77 Ia
> Where 2103 would be the off minute. It is not two minutes off 
> (2104 - 2102).
> Tree

What's next? How aboutit:

New improved rules for all contests:

All contestants have to have their station and computer clocks synchronized to 
GPS signals (+-1 sec).
All loging software must have seconds and fractions showing. (Of course real 
time connection of contestants to the main sponsors computer, including live 
streamed video, audio and CWio.) 
Operators must press ENTER or log the contacts as soon as they are finished. 
Those who procrastrinate and are trying to stretch the time will be penalized 
by penalty of losing additional 7 QSOs.
In view that decent contester can run somewhere between 4 and 8 QSOs a minute, 
this new change is important to assure fair scoring. Being deprived of say 5 
QSOs because of the discriminatory calculations as shown in the above example 
can make the difference who wins. Counting whole minute as off, if there was 
only 5 seconds used of that minute is unfair and our team of lawyers is 
standing by.
It is our hope that contest committies will have look at this situation and 
correct it before the hordes of no-code contesters with lawyers arrive in the 
contest pileups. This should be done immediately and unimportant rules like 
ZERO points for own country, "educational" penalty of 3 QSOs and "instant" 9 
months pregnancy processing of contest results are to be left on the back 

Don't you fuggetaboutit!
Mery Christmas to all who worked me in the contests!

bada BUm  (:-)))=
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