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[CQ-Contest] Thanks again (re WRTC team selection...)

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Thanks again (re WRTC team selection...)
From: k9iua@yahoo.com (Kevin Anderson)
Date: Sun Jul 21 07:19:34 2002
Thanks again to the eight or so who replied
off-line to my followup question regarding
WRTC team selection.  Obviously next time I 
will be more aware of what the e-mail traffic
means when it comes time for WRTC team member
selections.  (Being confused about what WRTC
was in the first place meant that I was
unable to put in context the "hundreds of
e-mails" on CQ-Contest on team selection -
my failure I guess :-).
Kevin, K9IUA

Kevin Anderson, Dubuque IA USA, K9IUA
k9iua (at) yahoo (dot) com

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