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[CQ-Contest] Fw: [W0SV] [ DAKOTA-HAM ] The Mother of all Public ServiceD

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Fw: [W0SV] [ DAKOTA-HAM ] The Mother of all Public ServiceDemonstrations!
From: ford@cmgate.com (Ford Peterson)
Date: Thu Jan 24 23:17:26 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Disher" <miked@co.morrison.mn.us>
To: <W0SV@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: January 24, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: [W0SV] [ DAKOTA-HAM ] The Mother of all Public

> the only thing I don't understand is how much money I can make and if this
contest can slice onions.  Sounds like great ideas and a whole bunch of
coordinated fun.  Although I have to admit, I think it is fixed!  It's
really unfair to any other sections because MN/Dakota will KICK SOME PORK
(HAM) RUMP (BUTT) ROAST!  The challenge is on!  I want to go head to head
with the 6-landers.  In a cage, in a parking lot, with no disqualification,
I don't care.  We shine so much as operators, that at night we have to have
street lights so that our shining reputation doesn't light up the sky so
much we keep people awake with the light.  We'll beat 'em with one frequency
restricted.  We'll beat 'em using only one mode with an unidirectional
antenna pointed straight at the North pole with only 1.5 watts poorly
matched to a bobby pin!
>   Well, maybe that's a LITTLE overstated.
> 73
> Mike
> N0MY
> Michael R. Disher
> Information Systems Director
> http://www.co.morrison.mn.us/wsite/infosystems/information_systems.htm
> Morrison County
> "Serving you...bit by bit!"
> >>> wb0tra@spacestar.net 01/24/02 19:04 PM >>>
> Thoughts anyone?
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> >Subject: [ DAKOTA-HAM ] The Mother of all Public Service Demonstrations!
> >Reply-To: dakota-ham@yahoogroups.com
> >
> >N0FP posted an idea to the CQ-CONTEST reflector a couple of days ago
> >about a contest that could prove to provide considerable exposure to
> >contesting, ham radio, and emergency preparedness.  I think he is
> >on to a great idea!
> >
> >Below is his PBI.
> >
> >73, de Hans, K0H
> >
> >
> >The purpose?  To demonstrate that US hams are capable of
> >originating and delivering significant and meaningful traffic to central
> >collection points. We are not rank "amateurs".
> >
> >Imagine a contest where the purpose is to publicly simulate a significant
> >national disaster--a thermo nuclear device detonated over Chicago for
> >example.  The FCCs Mr. Powell would send out a press release to the
> >ARRL and all media (CNN, NBC, ABC, etc.) at high noon EST on a
> >Friday or Saturday between two dates (e.g. 9/11 and 3/31) stating:
> >"All amateur radio operators are instructed to begin the emergency
> >communications simulation beginning today at 02:00 UTC and ending
> >06:00 UTC.  That would be the kick-off of the mother of all US contests.
> >All amateurs on all bands on all modes all at once.  Every scrap
> >of equipment you own would be pressed into service.
> >
> >Starting at 22:00 hours the same day, W1AW would begin posting
> >instructions for the contest using digital modes to provide the "rules
> >of engagement" for the contest.  The contest exchange, log routing,
> >collection points, etc., would be sent from W1AW during the entire
> >contest.  Specific instructions from W1AW will direct appropriate
> >band limits, restrictions, regional information, etc.
> >
> >The goal for contesters would be to collect valid QSOs using the
> >exchange.  Any station may be worked for valid QSO points, on any
> >band more than once, but never more than once per hour.  All US amateur
> >on all bands except the WARC bands would be eligible to collect valid Qs.
> >Each US section would be a "team."  Logs would be routed to section
> >using ARES people to man the traffic.  The traffic would be the logs of
> >contesters.
> >
> >The goal?  Deliver logs to section managers as often and quickly as
> >possible.  Points would be assigned to sections based on the number of Qs
> >the log and the time received by the section manager.  Relays of logs are
> >encouraged.  The use of VHF frequencies is encouraged.  Every scrap of
> >equipment you own will be pressed into service, except your phone line.
> >internet is allowed.  No twisted pairs allowed.  Only RF delivered
> >allowed.
> >
> >Section managers will accumulate the data and summarize the results.
> >the results to a central collection point -- W1AW.  Mr. Powell will get a
> >report on Monday morning outlining the success of the operation.  Number
> >Qs, counties covered, time delivered, number of stations, etc. would all
> >proudly displayed to the FCC and the media.  We are not rank "amateurs"
> >some congressmen have proclaimed recently.
> >
> >This is rough but I think you get the general idea.
> >
> >*****
> >
> >Imagine the press.  Imagine the questions you will get at work.  Imagine
> >pride in Mr. Haynie's heart when he delivers the 6" thick printout to Mr.
> >Powell, in a ceremony on the following Monday morning.  Congressmen will
> >longer be able to call us rank "amateurs" any more.  I wonder if the BoD
> >will question whether these line scores should make it into print?
> >Contesting will be front page news on QST for sure.  Page 2 on NYTimes,
> >Street Journal, CNN Headline news and on-and on-and on.
> >
> > Imagine the local press in your neighborhood anxious to get the
> >local scoop on this mysterious press release the previous Friday
> >noon.  Equipment sales will soar.  Contesters will be asked to Elmer the
> >capable hams that have shun contesting all these years.  I get goose
> >bumps.
> >
> >You want to contribute.  Give this idea legs and the ranks of ham radio,
> >contesting, will grow more than at any other time in our history.  The
> >way this will fly is if contesters get involved.  The time is ripe
> >Real traffic in a real emergency simulation.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >___________________________________________________________________
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Lee Lorentz  WB0TRA
> Annandale, MN
> ICQ # 37814043
> DXCC:  149 Confirmed for 184 worked
> http://www.spacestar.net/users/wb0tra/
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  • [CQ-Contest] Fw: [W0SV] [ DAKOTA-HAM ] The Mother of all Public ServiceDemonstrations!, Ford Peterson <=