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[CQ-Contest] Dayton & Crown ePlaza - 2002

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Dayton & Crown ePlaza - 2002
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L Martin)
Date: Wed Jun 27 19:07:35 2001
I am WAY too slow....I didn't get to call until after work on Tuesday.

Sold out...

maybe another year...

dale, kg5u

> The sheet that the hotel distributed said they'd begin taking reservations
> on Monday, June 25 after 8AM EDT (1200Z?) by calling 800-2CROWNE
> (800-227-6963).  They want a deposit of one night's room plus tax
> (great for
> cash flow), a three-night minimum, and they say you must cancel by 4/16/02
> to receive a full refund.
> Jim N7US

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