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[CQ-Contest] April CQ Contest arrives

Subject: [CQ-Contest] April CQ Contest arrives
From: K4tmc@aol.com (K4tmc@aol.com)
Date: Wed Mar 15 16:19:46 2000
A quick stop by the PO box this morning on the way to work resulted in the 
latest issue of CQ Contest.

Front cover photo of N5TJ at the controls of EA8BH, with a feature story inside.

Feature articles:
Serious Contesting on the Threshold of a New Millennium (cover story)
The Russian DX Contest - History, Strategies, and Results (from 99 contest)
The Ultimate DX
Cabrillo Format Explained

Regular Departments:
The Band Edge (editorial) - The Road to Slovenia
Up The Tower - Towers and Ground-Crew Considerations
A Conversation with - K2KW
Monthly Collectible - 99 CQWW SSB Contest High-Claimed Scores
Operating Techniques - Competitors vs. Participants, QSK and DVPs, plus 
Contester's Pet Hates
YL Contesting - Ham Radio University 2000
Continental Countdown - Contesting in Thailand, Bavarian Contest Club's January 

The Array Solutions ad indicates that they have new band pass filters and the 
I.C.E. products.
The Alpha Power ad for their 87A indicates that it is now fully automatic.
The M2 ad features the OR2800 rotor and digital controller.

73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - K4TMC
Raleigh, NC

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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