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[CQ-Contest] New University Club Station!

Subject: [CQ-Contest] New University Club Station!
From: hwardsil@WOLFENET.com (Ward Silver)
Date: Mon Jun 21 18:51:49 1999
For those of you bemoaning the demise of your University club station -
banished to various tiny rooms with antennas in disrepair - take a look at
these beauties that just went up on the brand-spankin' new EE bldg at my
alma mater, University of Missouri at Rolla.  


Now that, my friends, is what an EE bldg should look like, don't you

Yes, SIR!  And a big tip o' the cap to Tom Hammond, N0SS, who braved the
elements and the vagaries of Ozark contractors to help complete the job.

73, Ward N0AX (BSEEE '78)

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From k0hb@arrl.org" <k0hb@arrl.org  Tue Jun 22 01:09:03 1999
From: k0hb@arrl.org" <k0hb@arrl.org (K0HB - Hans)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Fwd: Youth contesting...
Message-ID: <01BEBC4B.F24C2C40.k0hb@arrl.org>

On Monday, June 21, 1999 11:41 PM, TOMK5RC@aol.com 
[SMTP:TOMK5RC@aol.com] wrote:
> Bill;
> Great input! The letter stimulated an idea that, perhaps,
> contesting.com might be the place to have a mentor resource
> page where those who are interested in hosting the "deserving
> up-and-coming" could make their intentions known.

If someone is setting up a 'registry', please include the
Twin City FM Club (Minneapolis/St. Paul).

At our club station, W0EF, we run a phone SS 'College of
Contesting' each year.  Basically we divide the contest up
into 2-hour slots, and in each slot is an experienced contest
op teamed up with a newbie.  If there were interest, it might
be expanded to the CW SS weekend also.

The station is located in the basement of a suburban police
and fire building.  We have our own comfortable 'shack' (in
exchange for Skywarn and other community service) with a
KW, full logging/DXcluster computer capability, tribander,
and various wire.  Not W0AIH/W3LPL level, but respectable.

First dibs naturally go to club members, but it's never been
overcrowded, so a non-member is likely to be welcome if not
too choosy about time-of-day.

Contact Al Dewey, K0AD (aldewey@aol.com) for particulars.

73, de Hans, K0HB

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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