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[CQ-Contest] VR98BG

Subject: [CQ-Contest] VR98BG
From: hwardsil@WOLFENET.com (Ward Silver)
Date: Wed Nov 4 12:06:38 1998
Mr. Brett is certainly taking it in the shorts...

My encounters with him have been pleasant.  I *have* received the
occasional QSL card, but in our eyeball QSOs he has bemoaned the load of
QSLing versus operating versus working.  He never indicated that he
wouldn't take on a manager...I don't believe the guy is pocketing the
dough like some other well-known DX stations are wont to do.  I suspect a
case of overload.

The failure of good intentions is not the same as intentional larceny,
even though it may look the same from the sender's end.

73, Ward N0AX

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