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[CQ-Contest] Muffs for Heil

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Muffs for Heil
From: kh2d@kuentos.guam.net (Jim Kehler)
Date: Sat Aug 15 16:44:39 1998
If you have the original Heil light weight headset with the blue foam
pads, Radio Shack has (or use to anyway) some black ones that fit
right on. Four in a pack, RS No. 33-374A.

73, Jim KH2D

-----Original Message-----
From:   Dave Hawes [SMTP:n3rd@ix.netcom.com]
Sent:   Saturday, August 15, 1998 2:43 PM
To:     cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject:        [CQ-Contest] Muffs for Heil

After many years of good service, I need to replace the muffs on my 
Heil headset.  Can someone help with the ordering info.  Can't find 
a Heil ad in the mags I have around.

Dave N3RD

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