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[CQ-Contest] Sending Running Stn's Call

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Sending Running Stn's Call
From: kh2d@kuentos.guam.net (Jim Kehler)
Date: Thu Jul 30 05:14:00 1998
>Perhaps your call is busted in their log. without their sending you your 
>call, you don't know [hence later when log is checked you lose the QSO, 
>get penalized, and perhaps loose a valuable multiplier too]. 

I'm confused on something here. I honestly have no idea how logs 
are checked.  Is the above correct ?

If I work XX8XX and he puts me in the log with my call wrong or
with the serial number I sent him wrong, I lose the contact to a 
log check ?  That makes no sense at all, if that's right, then I need
to make everybody I work in a contest repeat EVERYTHING I send
them to make sure they got it ALL right......

73, Jim KH2D
Mariana Islands DX Association - http://www.guam.net/pub/midxa/
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