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[CQ-Contest] 10 mtr ant/stacking prob/questions

Subject: [CQ-Contest] 10 mtr ant/stacking prob/questions
From: dietz@texas.net (Chuck)
Date: Wed Mar 11 20:26:16 1998
Steve Bookout wrote:

> It is my understanding that in order to wind up with an effective stack,
> the antennas must be identical.

At my previous QTH I had a 6 el 10 on a 30' boom at 85' over a 5 el 10 on a 24'
boom at 45' fixed NE  which was one of the best antenna systems into Europe I
have ever used.  In order to have a perfect stack, you need identical
antennas.  If you are going to put 2 monoband beams of any type for the same
band on the same tower you need to pay attention to equal feedline lengths to
keep them in phase or you may end up subtracting rather than adding!

Chuck, KZ5MM

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