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[CQ-Contest] Meeting FCC Guidelines for Exposure to RF Fields

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Meeting FCC Guidelines for Exposure to RF Fields
From: k4ab@nerak.companet.net (Larry A. Crim)
Date: Sun Dec 28 11:14:07 1997
On Sun, 28 Dec 1997, Fred Laun K3ZO wrote:

>  These guidelines must be observed by USA Amateur
> Radio stations beginning 1 January 1998, or four days from now (see 47 CFR
> Part 97.13c as amended). 

Not so fast, my friend.  The January 1 deadline ONLY applies to new
stations, or stations that renew of modify their license with a form 610.
For the rest of us existing stations, we have until September 1, 2000.
(See Jan '98 QST, page 53.)

We still have 2.5 years until we have to worry about this junk.

-Larry K4AB

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