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[CQ-Contest] Re: [CQ-CONTEST] 1 station, 2 call signs

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [CQ-CONTEST] 1 station, 2 call signs
From: slazar19@sgi.net (Spike Lazar)
Date: Tue Dec 16 15:36:50 1997
(Bob's two post are edited and combined for my responce.)

Dear W2XL, you wrote:

>This is in reference to the post from W9XR about the W3GH and W9XR
>multi-op during the ARRL 160 Contest. If this was done from 1 station,
>I hope that the scores will not be submitted as other than check-logs.
>Rule 3.5 states in part: A transmitter used to contact one or more
>stations may not be used under any pother call during the contest period.
>I think this plainly prohibits what was done in this case.

     Yes, two calls were used from one station and much thought
     was given before we decided to do so. We are well aware of
     the rules and the implied intent of the rules concerning two
     calls one station. 

     The second station did not enter the contest until the first
     station made its final qso. Each stations log contains
     multipliers and contacts not found in the other stations log.
     Both stations were entered in the same class and competed
     against each other.

>This type of operation is wrong for a few other reasons also.
>It denies a legitimate entry their rightful place in Division or
>Section results. It unfairly adds to Club score totals and may
>influence the outcome of club competition.

     As per club competition, we are well aware, and it was
     decided prior to the contest to only submit one of the
     logs for the clubs credit. (Being multi-op, our entry is
     not eligible for the club award)

     If our operations denies any entry their rightful place in
     any results whatsoever we will not submit either log. I
     really don't fully understand the point you're trying to make
     and I hope you will clarify this.    

>I strongly disagree this contest is too long.  It is not just about
>who can produce the highest rate. Finding multipliers and stations
>that appear only on the second night is part of the fun.  If you
>don't like the fact that your rate is way down the second night,
>then quit. Take your significant other out to dinner and be
>satisfied with a 100k score. (which isn't bad)

    The activity of this contest does not warrant 42 hours as there
    are no provisions for off times during the daylight hours. This
    contest as it is now structured holds many similarities to dance
    marathons of the depression years. The last one standing is the

    Our decision to run two stations were not base upon higher 
    rates that you implied. W3GH and I operated for the full
    42 hours with many very slow daylight hours. Virtually hundreds
    of other stations calling cq allday long with the same results.

>I have a hard time being sympathetic to those who exploit every
>loop- hole, perceived or otherwise, in the interest of higher rate.
>What it boils down to is is this: If you operate from 1 location,
>only one score should be submitted for a given contest, from that 
location. Anything else violates the spirit and the intent of the
>rules of the contest AND fairplay.

    Our only motivation for operating with two calls was to put the
    fun back into this contest for us. If it were about winning or
    high rates would have not done it. No loop holes were sought,
    no envelopes were pushed.

    One contest two calls is a fun contest.    

    My only personal remarks to you, my dear W2XL, is geta life,
    heh heh.

    Spike, W9XR

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