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[CQ-Contest] Wireless Headsets

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Wireless Headsets
From: jmarchand@ecrm.com (MarchandJohn)
Date: Mon Dec 15 15:41:57 1997
Hi All,

That sounds interesting, I just called R-S in NH and those headsets are ON
SALE till XMAS. I'm gonna shoot up there after work and get a set.
I'll give 'em a try and write up an user evaluation in case anyone else is

John K1RC
35 mi NW of Boston

From: James P. Cassidy on Mon, Dec 15, 1997 11:10 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Wireless Headsets

If anyone wants to try the receive only type Headsets, Radio Shack has a
900 mHz model at a sale price currently.  I pass this along for info only,
I have no commercial connection with RS. 73 Jim  KI7Y

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