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score summaries only vote

Subject: score summaries only vote
From: aa2du@netcom.com (aa2du@netcom.com)
Date: Wed Oct 5 11:41:45 1994
Yes I agree. I would much rather read an incessant stream of character 

insinuations and other melodrama rather than contest scores! After all, if we 
actually post 

Contest scores on the CONTEST reflector, people might think of us as being 
conformists or, 

even worse, boring because we follow the suggested subject matter.

Get real people...if you read the subject lines of the message instead of 
blindly hitting the 

<return> key, yoiu can delete the ones you don't find to your liking. I used to 
pay per message 

on Compu$erve and that method worked for me. Better yet, send a message to 

CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST and set nomail. Please don't try to legislate what I read 
because you 

don't like it. There is already more than enough of that attitude in the world 
and we really don't 

need to perpetuate it here.

73, J.P.
>I concur with dave, KY1H; 
>i vote for one posting with a condensed version; 
>put all the details into an ftp area so one can find them if desired;
>There is too much mail after a contest to wade thru..
>-jim, NM1W

J.P. Kleinhaus, AA2DU
ARRL Hudson Division C.A.C. Representative
E-mail:  aa2du@netcom.com
Compu$erve:  74660,2606

TVI???  What TVI???

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