Just some idle thought in the wee hours of the morning during the
VHF contest this past weekend:
It would be interesting to tune the bands next weekend around 1700 - 1800 Z
to see how many people are "getting ready" for the
contest. You know, the casual type who don't read the magazines but just
know that the VHF contest is always the second weekend in June.
By the way, who was the person (or persons) responsible for causing this? I
have heard that it was one person who wanted to
attend the ARRL National Convention and probably operate the contest as well.
If this is the case it must be someone who has a lot of clout!
Why was the convention scheduled for the second weekend anyway? Did the
league not advise the committee that there was a major, league sponsored,
activity that weekend? What if they decide that a convention in the future
should be on the first weekend in November?
I'm not sure that the change had a major impact on the results (though the
conditions on 6 sure did.) The first weekend is a big graduation weekend
around the country and I know of at least a few people who couldn't be on
because of this.
Just something I was wondering while listeing to the S9+10dB precipitation
static on 2M at W0UC/9.
73, Mike N0BSH
>From rmarosko@bcm.tmc.edu (Ronald J. Marosko) Tue Jun 7 15:17:10 1994
From: rmarosko@bcm.tmc.edu (Ronald J. Marosko) (Ronald J. Marosko)
Subject: Final Results: W3XO/5 VHF Test
Message-ID: <199406071417.JAA18017@bcm.tmc.edu>
Call used: W3XO/5 (+K5LLL, KB5NFN)
Grid Square: EM00
50 311 146
144 71 19
220 3 3
432 21 12
902 3 2
1.2 5 3
total 414 185
Overall Score = 83,990
Who said conditions were awful? These were the best I've seen yet.
>From Steve Harrison <sharriso@sysplan.com> Tue Jun 7 16:19:25 1994
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso@sysplan.com> (Steve Harrison)
Subject: VHF contest date change effect
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9406071125.S25860-0100000@eagle>
What was really curious to me wasn't simply the change from the second
weekend to the first, but also the fact that the famous Manassas, VA
Hamfest, which has traditionally been held during the second weekend, was
ALSO changed to the first weekend. This was probably because of the
National; however, I doubt that very many people go to the ARRL's
national convention from here.
I've got a good idea who may have started the original Nat date change,
and another good idea who may have seconded the change and suggested
others that have had a detrimental ripple effect. Grumble grumble...
And, how come Dayton was changed? Growl...
73, Steve KO0U/4 <sharrison@sysplan.com>
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Tue Jun 7 19:38:00
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Subject: FW: Final Results: W3XO/5 VHF Test
Message-ID: <2DF4BF4A@admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
Who said conditions were awful? These were the best I've seen yet.
I said they were awful here in the SE USA. However, as I remember
I also asked everyone to post how it was locally for them. In the words
of Steve/WS4F: These are the worst conditions in 19 years of
June contests. Another person said it sounded like the January
contest instead of the June 'test.
I'm glad someone had good conditions, because we sure didn't!
How was it on the Left Coast??
73, Tom WB4iUX (Tom.Skelton@ClemsonSC.NCR.COM)
>From es@mvuss.att.com (Edward S Parsons +1 508 960 6722) Tue Jun 7 16:46:00
From: es@mvuss.att.com (Edward S Parsons +1 508 960 6722) (Edward S Parsons +1
508 960 6722)
Subject: Send Me VHF Results
Message-ID: <9406071549.AA23331@ig1.att.att.com>
Send me your June VHF Contest results, including band breakdowns, and I
will post a summary of what I receive to the reflector.
E-mail your info directly to me, not via the reflector. Tnx.
73, Ed K1TR