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[Amps] UM4001CR pin diode source - or Alpha 86 vac relay mad

Subject: [Amps] UM4001CR pin diode source - or Alpha 86 vac relay mad
From: Chris Wilson <>
Reply-to: Chris Wilson <>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2020 12:11:19 +0100
List-post: <>
  07/08/2020 12:07

I have an Alpha 86 here with suspected TX / RX switching pin diode
failure. The amps TUNE function is suspect, and switching between
standby and operate gives a vey attenuated RX signal in standby mode.
In TX it seems to operate, TUNE display aside, normally.

The manual's schematic shows them as stud mounted UM4001CR devices. I
am unable to source these, does anyone know of a current source for
them please? Alternatively does anyone have instructions for
conversion to using two vac relays? Fast CW is not required, and the
noise of the vac relays not really a concern. Thanks.

       Best Regards,
                   Chris Wilson.

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