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Re: [Amps] Glitch resistor + fuse?

To: "Dick NY1E" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Glitch resistor + fuse?
From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2017 11:05:10 -0500
List-post: <>
Hello Dick,

Keep both in.

While the resister does the most protection, I HAVE seen resisters that have shorted. This is rare as most time they either open or increase in value, but shorting can and does happen at rare times. This is something that is not often talked about. It would be then that you will be glad that you did NOT remove the fuse. I have found that the more time you spend in troubleshooting, the more events you will see. I have been professionally troubleshooting since 1971 and seen some darn funny things. Hope this helps.
73, Bruce, W8HW

-----Original Message----- From: Dick NY1E
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 10:03
Subject: [Amps] Glitch resistor + fuse?

I have 2 amplifiers, an SB220 and a TL922A, they both had 10 watt glitch resistors added before I got them, they have each done their job but self destructed when they did. I replaced them with 25 watt when it happened. My question is, one has a 1 amp fuse in series with it. Is that necessary or is it going to blow needlessly when the glitch resistor would handle it?
Any opinions?de Dick NY1E
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