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Re: [Amps] Old HP analyzer needs some repair

To: Bill Turner <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Old HP analyzer needs some repair
From: Pete Lancashire <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 11:39:50 -0700
List-post: <">>
The 4191A and a few other made by HP Japan from that time seem to be
failing at an much more frequent rate. The 4274/5A LCR bridges are a
great example. In the past couple years I've found not only bad caps
but a whole slew of bad OP-Amps. The 4274/5A's and the 4191A where
made at the same time and on the same production floor.

They are a pretty complicated beast to fix. And to pay someone who has
the knowledge to repair it would be quite a bit.

I'd suggest downloading the service manual that's on the Agilent
website and look it over. It's a really bad copy but at least one can
decide if it is something
you will want to tackle.

Saying that what are the reading when you put in a 50 ohm load ?

My 4191A is dead for a different reason, it was bought knowing it had
a blown front end. I have access to one about 20 miles away so I'm not
in a rush.


On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Bill Turner <> wrote:
> I have an old HP 4191a Impedance Analyzer that needs some repair. HP no
> loner supports this model so I'm wondering if anyone knows who might do the
> work?  It boots up and goes through the self calibration procedure but the
> impedance readings are totally wrong. It's a great old machine and I hate to
> scrap it if it can be repaired at a reasonable cost.
> Any suggestions will be appreciated.
> 73, Bill W6WRT
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