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Re: [Amps] AL-1500 fan speed switching

To: Réjean Léveillé <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] AL-1500 fan speed switching
From: Alek Petkovic <>
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 08:58:46 +0800
List-post: <">>
The AL-1500 does come with a chimney. It is glass. Yours may have been broken by a previous owner and never replaced.
I bought my AL-1500 second hand and the guy shipped it with the tube 
installed. Needless to say, it was a mess inside, when I got it and 
opened it up. The chimney was busted, as were the grid fingerstock 
contacts. The pins of the 8877 were all bent inwards at about 30 degrees.
I had an Eimac 8877 socket and chimney and so I used the fingers, 
spacers and teflon chimney. I successfully straightened the tube pins 
and the amp is running nicely to this day. I recently replaced the 
marginally rated hv filter caps.
Your tips for soundproofing and wire size upgrade are very good. I will 
try that with mine. While I have it open, I will perform W1QJ's hv 
safety mod as well.
73, Alek

On 8/11/2013 8:24 AM, Réjean Léveillé wrote:
Hi Ricks

If you looked the amplifier rear panel, there is a spare hole located below
the main power K2 relay. I installed a small SPDT switch between medium and
high speed. To extend the two brown wires each side of SPDT with the center
for purple, see your instruction manual. I also added some sound proofing
under the top cover and against both walls where is located the blower
motor. Do Not put sound proofing material over the tube.
Now what I could not understand why there is no chimney, I fabricated one
with high temperature orange color silicon rubber sold at aircraft part
supplier. The silicon sheet glued with high temperature silicon glue. Also I
sealed all 4 tube box corners with high density tape. Now almost 100% air
flow must get through the tube, this keeps the RF section cooler and also it
cut down the fan noise vibration. The chimney end is about 1'' below the
cover. In fact I always keep the fan speed to high speed.

I bought it second hand with Eimac tube, it got less than 10 hours. The guy
was too afraid to use it. I did full mods for HV section, 24v PS, vacuum
relays, inrush current filament, double all wires size for HV input transfo
and secondary 5v, chimney, added capacitors for 160m, operation LED,
soft-key circuit. Now it looks closer to top end and commercial grade
amplifier. At 1.5kw only 15-20ma Ig key down.

73, Rejean va2am

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Amps [] De la part de rick darwicki
Envoyé : November 6, 2013 9:47 PM
Objet : [Amps] AL-1500 fan speed switching

Anyone have a clever way to add speed switching to an Ameritron, I.E have it
run on low in STBY and med or high in OPR ?
I'm thinking at least automatically from the STBY/OPR switch for Low/Med
with an option to kick it to High for RTTY contests.
Taking 30 screws out of the case is not a good option. A three position switch on the back panel is probably easiest but would require getting up out of my chair hi hi

Rick, N6PE
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