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[Amps] Power factor correction

To: amps <>
Subject: [Amps] Power factor correction
From: Steve Thompson <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 22:42:05 +0000
List-post: <">>
jeff, wa1hco wrote:
>Using a power factor correction cap works when the load is a bunch of 
>inductive motors. But it >won't really work for the pulse type load from a 
>capacitor input filter.

My first reaction would be to agree with you, but researching PSUs for
a quote the Vicor 4kW Megapak was in the frame - that uses passive
inductive correction on a rectifier/capacitor input system and claims
0.92 PF in the spec. OK, that's a bit lower than the 0.95+ that active
circuits manage, but there's a trade off against complexity and

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