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[Amps] AL-811

Subject: [Amps] AL-811
From: Tom Horton <>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2012 17:48:31 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
 Earlier this week, I posted on here that my QSK device (QSK-1) was 
Thanks for all the replies, but I was wrong. After further inspection, it now 
appears that it is indeed the AL-811.
 I purchased the amp new last spring. It is still in warranty, but I am 
wheelchair bound and would really prefer to repair it myself since getting it 
to the shipper would be difficult.
 Anyway here is the situation.
 The amp powers up, 1700 volts plate voltage, about 60 ma plate current no 
drive, xmit light comes on and the relay does energize. This occurs on all 
bands. The filaments light up. The Load and Plate controls have very little 
effect on anything. They will and do change the meter readings but nothing in 
regard to the output. I may get about 10 watts out over my drive power.
I have probably missed something, but any ideas out there anywhere?
 Tom K5IID
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K5IID Tom Horton  Hillsboro, TX

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