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Re: [Amps] High Power Mobile

Subject: Re: [Amps] High Power Mobile
From: Joe Musto <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:36:11 -0500
List-post: <>
I have run 500W PEP mobile on 10m in various vehicles.  All installations 
were properly grounded with the various components of the vehicle 
bonded.  Some had no trouble at all, some had quirks one had serious 
issues.  Minor problems ranged from dashboard warning lights coming on to 
the windshield wipers making an unexpected sweep across the 
windshield.  The one serious problem was with a 1986 Chevy 
Celebrity.  During transmit, the speedometer dropped to zero and since the 
cruise control was on, the accelerator went to the floor.  Fortunately, I 
was on the highway so I just stopped transmitting and turned off the cruise 
control.  It was pretty scary.  I contacted Chevy and they told me that any 
transmitting equipment over 5W output could interfere with the electronics 
in the  vehicle and should not be used.  Thanks a lot guys!  I guess they 
don't recommend these for police use then huh?

At 12:00 PM 1/11/2006, you wrote:

>I like the idea of HP mobile, but I still hear concerns about RFI to
>the car's electronics. Has anyone had any experience with this lately?

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