>Vacuum Relay contact Bounce.
>A year or two back, I used the RJ1A, the HC-1 and
>a few larger vacuum relays in a research project.
>Although these relays established contact transfer
>in the reported < 2ms time, there was considerable
>contact bounce.
>Contact bounce made the tested relays unusable
>for at least a few milliseconds. The best I could
>get from the HC-1 was ~4 ms without repeated
>contact bounce. I consider the 1.5ms speed to
>be a little to optimistic.
** Using 120VDC, and a series-R to limit I to 80mA, a 26v HC-1 or RJ1A
will make and stop bouncing its NO contacts in 1.8mS. Using a 26v PS,
the measured speeds were 6 - 7 mS.
Rich, AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.vcnet.com/measures