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[AMPS] 4CX10000

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] 4CX10000
From: (igor rosky)
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 09:01:47 -0700 (PDT)
My one runs on single phase power. I use voltage doubler and tune with
a pulser. The peak demands on SSB dont seem that great. I generally
throttle back to 10K out. I cool for 7000 watts plate dissipation. Well
where i am electricty is cheap, and often they dont bother reading the
meter. The western ways of charging for electricity has not caught on
in certain  areas where i live. 

The best 8171 projects that i have seen is in Hungary, many contesters
there like the tube as well. I have kept my project small as possible,
rather than going for the large broadcast style cabinet.  I would say
mine is not much bigger than the Alpha  77, that is Rf deck alone.
Those favouring stationery installations in separate rooms are using
Coca Cola machines here since Coke is new, they putting these machines
in everywhere, but nobody buys the drinks and the machines get
vandalised, so these Coco Cola machines make great cabinets. Coco Cola
is a trade mark. You cant sell 8171 Coco Cola amplifiers.

--- Peter Chadwick <> wrote:
> Rich says:
> >However, on the subject of good manners,
> contesting's dirty little secret
> is >that there are some top contestors who use the
> 4CX10,000D in contests
> Do these guys ask the power company to give them a 3
> phase supply to the
> home? The mind (at least mine, anyway) just boggles
> at the thought of the
> engineering effort in supplying that much power in a
> home environment. I
> presume that they don't have a pre-payment
> electricity meter which they have
> to feed with quarters, either!
> I also guess that they don't have neighbours -
> within a few miles.
> Or is it a case that run legally, the plate surface
> area is large enough
> that you don't need to blow it?
> 73
> Peter G3RZP
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