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[AMPS] Amp for RTTY?

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Amp for RTTY?
From: gdaught6@leland.Stanford.EDU (George T. Daughters)
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 09:11:17 +0008
hi carl (and others),

carl wrote...

> The 1600B is too fragile and requires adding complex protection circuits. 

too fragile in what way?  i'm still running the first (and only) 
4cx1600b that i used in the building, development, and testing of 
my 1600b amp.  it experienced a couple of "oops!" moments during 
those phases.  

i ran it (loafing along) at 1200-1400 w out all weekend for 
cal qso party, cqww ssb, and sscw.  it never even got warm.  it 
doesn't have complex protection circuits (...although it does have 
circuitry to prevent application of screen voltage if other things 
aren't right.  i had a 4-65a screen go off like a flashbulb once!  
the ceramic tubes don't let you see the show...)  if you're talking 
about 80ma of grid current, (like gg-triode amps thrive on) then, i 
agree, it's certainly fragile!

also, i agree that building a one-off project of almost any kind will 
cost as much (probably more) than buying a finished product 
outright... unless you have an extensive "junk-box."   it seems 
easier on the budget, because it can be done a few bucks at a time.  
don't save the receipts; if you do, don't ever total them up!

i'd sure like to see your junkbox, carl!

George T. Daughters, K6GT

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