Band QSOs Pts Sec
3.5 25 25 3
7 17 17 1
14 46 46 27
Total 88 88 31
Score: 2,728
For some reason the 3830 score submittal form doesn't send my score to 3830.
It works fine on all the other contests, just have problems with the Sprint.
Anyway, got home late so didn't get too motivated. N1MM says I was on for
1.8 hours. SSB ain't my cuppa tea anyway. Got on for a while to give out
that 'rare' Oregon multiplier. Bands were so noisy I missed a lot of
callers that were just down in the static crashes. Sorry if you called and
I didn't answer.
Fun to see the Thursday night sprint practice regulars, along with some new
blood. Got a couple of number 1's from stations. Hope they stayed on and
get hooked on this stuff.
Now, back down to the CW and RTTY bands. 73
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