80 1 1
40 11 9
20 29 19
15 4 4
tot 45 33 1485 points
Well this was an interesting night! Those who read the rules/format for
our SSB NAQP practice were just a few of the regulars. Casuals on 20m kept
it interesting for me. Got to 3830 too late to work our local guys. Will
try to do better with band management Friday night.
Meanwhile, the WA WOMBATS did their own thing on 20m CW in a round-robin
format at 50 wpm. The results reported on the real 3830 SSB net were:
KL2A@W6TE 90 Q
KQ7W 89
Next week we'll be back to NS format and get in the WOMBAT's game: 20m
only, high speed. Remember the 1 KHZ QSY rule!
Later on, we'll focus on another objective of the Thursday night
party: Recruiting - slow speed practice - 25 wpm or slower.
Since the NS ladder competition ended, we will have different rules each week:
Before major events (NA QSO, NA SPRINT, CQP, SS...), we'll use their rules
as a warmup for the weekend.
In between major events, we use NS rules to promote SO2R practice, and
provide a weekly 30 minute contesting frenzy.
Check the NCCC website each week for NEXT NS format at:
Friday, Aug. 18, 0230Z, another 30 min. practice for the SSB NAQP.
Rules at:
CU then, N6RO
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