ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW
Call: N2CU
Operator(s): N2CU
Station: N2CU
Class: Single Op QRP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Band QSOs
160: 0
80: 140
40: 219
20: 177
15: 84
10: 105
Total: 725 Sections = 79 Total Score = 114,550
After operating HP in this contest for years, I decided to try my latest contest
passion, QRP. It's a blast, although you have to get used to not running like
you can with HP, and always losing the frequency to 'big guns'.
I was sweating out NNY, SF, QC, NWT and NL after the first 12 hours of
operating. I heard NNY, SF and QC on, but it was on a band where I couldn't get
through. Got them kind of late in the contest. I remembered seeing the writeup
about VY1JA looking for QRP at half past the hour. At 21:25 on Sunday, I found
him with a huge pileup. Sure enough, at 21:36 he called for QRP only and I got
through on the first call. One to go... NL. Never heard one anywhere, which is
kind of strange since I was S&P for most of the contest. Oh well.
Thanks to all the great ops who were able to copy my signal. I truly believe
that contesting makes superior operators.
Funniest/strangest moment was when I heard a zero-land station calling CQ FD. He
had several hundred QSO's too.
Well, based on last years' QRP scores, I met all of my goals. Congrats to Tree
on the record breaking effort from W5WMU! Some guys have all the fun.
FT1000MP @ 5W, TH6DXX @ 50', 80/40 coaxial trap dipole @ 40', TR Log (of
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