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[3830] N0AX NAQP Results

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] N0AX NAQP Results
From: hwardsil@WOLFENET.com (Ward Silver)
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 10:30:50 -0800 (PST)
        Team/Club : Rush Drake Orchestra

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

  160CW       21          21         21      10 
   80CW       85          85         85      33 
   40CW      195         194        194      55 
   20CW      165         165        165      55 
   15CW      160         160        160      48 
   10CW      142         142        142      47 

 Totals      768         767        767     248 

    Final Score = 190216 points.

 Soapbox Comments

Ten meters sure was lively - for an hour!  Many more stations in the swing
of moving from band to band makes the contest a lot more fun.  What if we
invoked Sprint-like rules to require a "band-hop" (just kidding)?

Best moment - sent name as "Homer" and KI7WX responded with "Doh!".  Homer
comes from K7RA (SK), in case you're interested, and also gets me out of
using the hard-to-copy "WARD WA".  No, that's not what the H in H. Ward
stands for... 

Best score from up here BY FAR - new WA record, I believe, and almost rang
the 200k bell. Went for a balanced attack on all the high bands and that
seems to have worked well. Forty was exceptionally kind as the band didn't
quite get to that "other side of the glass wall"  state so familiar to NW
operators.  It stayed in there and let me CQ quite a bit with excellent

On the downside, something Very Bad has happened over the summer during
the house painting such that 80 and 160 are full of grumbly, growly,
popping BC crap.  If not for the reliable hardline loop, the logs would be
very much smaller on 80 and 160.  Looks like I have some detective work to
do - the noise level is S7+ with stronger images at regular intervals.
I'm sure I lost probably 50% of my receive capabilities on these bands
although TX felt up to snuff.

FT-990 and IC-735, TR-LOG Software
2-el Gem Quad at 55'
C-3 at 55'
40-2CD at 50'
80m 1/4-wave sloper
160m 1/4-wave inverted L, three elevated radials (used to be four, but the
gravel truck took care of one of them on Friday afternoon...oopsie)

Look for me and the lads in a multi-op next weekend.

73, Ward N0AX

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