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[3830] K5RC/7 SS CW SOHP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] K5RC/7 SS CW SOHP
From: w4an@contesting.com (Bill Fisher - W4AN)
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 09:15:55 -0500 (EST)
     band      QSOs     points
     160          0          0
      80        121        242
      40        383        766
      20        338        676
      15        335        670
      10        130        260
     TOTAL     1307       2614   X   78 multipliers  =  203,892

Many thanks to my most gracious host K5RC.  His station was great and you
can't believe the view.


Bill Fisher

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  • [3830] K5RC/7 SS CW SOHP, Bill Fisher - W4AN <=