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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] WA4TT WAE CW SOAB
From: wd4jra@planttel.net (John Vickers)
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 21:30:47 -0400

WA4TT  WAE CW    14/15 Aug 1999
SO / AB  Part Time
QTH: Georgia
OP:    JohnClub: South East Contest Club   SECC

Rig: Omni 6+    300 Watts
Ant: 160 M Inv-L used on all bands

Band            QSOs            Countries
80CW              11                       5
40CW              74                     24
20CW            127                     29
15CW              92                     27
10CW              12                       7

TOTAL           316 Qs               96 Countries          314 QTCs
       Final Score = 137,340 pts

Poor antenna and Bad QRN made receive very  difficult
on my end. Thanks to all for your patience and QSOs.
73 John WA4TT

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