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[3830] KJ9C - IARU - CW - AB S/O LP UA

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] KJ9C - IARU - CW - AB S/O LP UA
From: CRICHTON_MELVIN_J@Lilly.com (Melvin J Crichton)
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 08:56:00 -0500

Fourteen hours.... great conditions, especially fifteen meters. Had to slow CW
 to 26 wpm to avoid DX thinking I was "K1 ???"

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

   80CW       19          19         33       5         5
   40CW      105         105        271      15        16
   20CW      207         207        735      22        18
   15CW      175         175        675      17        29
   10CW       26          26         96       3         7

 Totals      532         532       1810      62        75

    Final Score = 247970 points.

100 watts to dipoles at 40 feet (80 dipole is at 25 feet)
NO packet... S&P using TR bandmap

Society of Midwest Contesters... DX signals enter the Black Hole, but they
don't leave

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  • [3830] KJ9C - IARU - CW - AB S/O LP UA, Melvin J Crichton <=