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[3830] WL7KY SOAB HP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] WL7KY SOAB HP
From: kl7fh@customcpu.com (Frank Hurlbut)
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 17:42:17 -0900
                CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1998

      Call: WL7KY                    Country:  Alaska
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator High Power 
(Age 15)


      160        0        0     0.00      0       0
       80       53      104     1.96      4       4
       40      118      234     1.98     10       9
       20      710     1707     2.40     25      66
       15      463     1004     2.17     24      38
       10      287      608     2.12     15      18

     Totals   1631     3657     2.24     78     135  =>  778,941

All reports sent were 59 01, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
Kenwood TS-570D(G)
Hy-Gain TH7DXX  at 50 feet
3 elem full size wire yagi on 40m, one east and one at eu/af
dipole on 80m

Club Affiliation: None                       


At the start of the contest I had some good runs.  They died off after
about 2 hours. 
I expected EU to be strong on 20, but it didn't happen till the second
On 40 I struggled to work several Carribean and South Americans, I guess
they were
just getting clobbered by stateside, I've never had that much of a problem.
 However, on 
20, 15, and 10, many DX stations were worked on the first call.  Including
9J2A on 15m.
I was asleep when 15 opened into EU, a few locals said it was really hot,
oh well, there's always
next year.  Maybe then I can work more than  81 countries!  10m was great
for awhile on Saturday,
Several stations said, "Wow, thanks for my last one for 5BWAS!"  That was
pretty neat.
I had a blast.  It was my first entry in the SSB contest.  QSO totals were
low, and country 
totals were pathetic!  I'll just try harder next year!
Hope to CU all in SS CW!  

P.S.  Anyone know what the record is for Under 21 years of Age?  I know
there is a plaque 
sponsored, but I can't find the record.  Any Info would be appreciated.  I
still have 5 or 6 years
to beat it!

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Christopher Hurlbut  WL7KY
               2003 Roosevelt Dr.
               Anchorage, AK 99517

The women love me and the fish FEAR me!

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