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To: <3830@contesting.com>
From: gussam@newcomm.net (Gus Samuelson)
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 01:28:18 -0000

                   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST 1997

      Call: VO1MP                    Country:  Canada=20
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator/HP -300 =
   UNASSISTED:      =20


      160       44       132    3.0       31
       80      149       447    3.0       48
       40      309       927    3.0       55
       20      485     1455   3.0        58
       15      143       429   3.0        54
       10        0         0      0.0        0
     Totals   1130     3390   3.0      246  =3D   833,940 =20

Time on about 30 Hrs.

Some one scheduled Valentine's day at Beginning of Contest
XYL didn't appreciate that one !  Consequently didn't Operate
first 7 hours of contest, Score one happy XYL who tolerated test for
remainder of weekend. However her score can't be added to point=20
total. Hi !  Read what you like into that one.

Difference between 300 watts from sick amp and 100 maybe was=20
not worth the effort, to forfeit shot of repeat LP win.=20

High point calling VQ9 on 160 and have him hear me first shot. ( You =
gotta see my 160 m antenna ! )

You still gotta love hired guns at multi -op stns who come smack down on =

your freq and pretend they don't hear you, guess without voice =
print/signature fist they maintain their anonymity.
Loved the guy at KP3Z who only wanted to work USA , guess he forgot to =
read the rules, he eventually sorted himself out,
no fun being a multiplier if YOUR multipliers don't want to work you hi!

All things equal,  bad back, Valentine's day , lots of sleep, I managed =
a few good runs, love it when you're a multiplier, people will actually =
move to  another band.=20
and sadly  realized that I have a load of antenna work to do yet.
Hope see you SSB=20

             Gus Samuelson  VO1MP
               P.O.Box 38 RR # 1 Site 4
               St. Phillips , NFLD A1L1C1

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com
Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & N4VJ / K4AAA

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