Tnx to K3WW and family for wonderful hospitality, mellow cats and dog,
plenty of TVs on to see the Olympics and whatnot, living across from
a supermarket, you name it.
Must be getting old. Used to get 500-600 or so Qs. Had more fun moving
mults than before. Condx not as bad as I expected. Enjoyed opening
on 10. Good station, instant bandswitching, good beverages, two
781s (just had one on), lotta good switching, set up for two radio
winning. I was content to find the RIT clear and a few other buttons.
The number lock key kept activating itself due to some demonic aspect
of Chas's keyboard macro program. Keyboard was entirely different. Funny
how it slows you down.
Anyway, we saw nineteen replays of the US relay team getting beat, and
other such matters. Great guy to watch TV or talk sports or world events.
NA v. 10.4 or so sez:
160 40 21
80 55 22
40 91 33
20 94 35
15 45 20
10 32 15
tot 357 x 146 = 52,122
I had a great time running and moving mults, and visiting the home of the
stars. I love CW contests, the briefer the better. However, when I see my
lackluster results, it is clear that I am smart not to build another station
of my own, but to just borrow from time to time.
It was great to get the N.E.R.D.S. back on line....
N.E.R.D.S. #9 team AA3B VC4VV (VE4VV, op) W1WEF N8AAT WN3K (@K3WW)
N.E.R.D.S. #7 team WK2G AB2E AA1AK WB0OLA/7 (@N9ITX)
Go N.E.R.D.S. !! Tnx all, esp team-mates and K3WW and family.
Bob WN3K