AC1O/4 (FL) NAQP Score:
160: 13 x 11
80: 85 x 31
40: 158 x 48
20: 222 x 48
15: 89 x 28
10: 41 x 15
608 x 181 = 110,048.
Nice openings -- and activity -- on 10 and 15 early; didn't even go to 20
until 1925Z. (And how do the smart guys know that the "dead" band they move
you to for a mult later in the day is really open?) I also worked all three
of the other Contesting On-line editors (KM9P, K5ZD and K3WW) during the
contest, and hope that Bill will announce an appropriate award for doing so
(a la WRTC) in the near future.
73, Walt, AC1O
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