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W5KFT Limited multi score

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: W5KFT Limited multi score
From: geoiii@bga.com (george fremin iii)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 23:42:02 -0500 (CDT)
        1996 June VHF Contest from W5KFT EM00st

                Limited Multi-Op        

                 50     1160  267
                144       64   17
                222        6    4
                432       16    6
                total   1246  294 = 372,792

                Ops: KY5N, N5RZ and WB5VZL

6m Yaesu FT-650, Henry 3006 (8877) 1500w
   6/6 ele Cushcraft 34' booms @ 38'/18' bottom fixed NE
   5 ele Cushcraft 17' boom @ 140'
   6 ele Hy-Gain fixed towards W6 @ 35'

2m Yaesu FT-736, HB 4cx250 pair (700 watts)  13b2 @ 60'
222 Yeasu FT-736, 150 Brick, 15 ele Cushcraft @ 40'
432 Kenwood TS-930/MMT432 Xverter 100 Brick, Hy-Gain 31 ele yagi @ 60'

6m Rates
18z 119    00z 43     11z   3    17z  55    23z  97
19z  25    01z 38     12z   4    18z  82    00z  92
20z   9    02z 38     13z   5    19z  34    01z  59
21z  51    03z 31     14z  41    20z  25    02z  62
22z  87    04z 14     15z  25    21z  11
23z  27    05z  1     16z  53    22z  29

10 Most worked grids on 6m

EM79 - 33       FM19 - 21
EN91 - 32       EN62 - 19
EN52 - 30       EN61 - 19
EN82 - 24       EM78 - 16
EM48 - 22       EN34 - 16  Many more with 15 qsos.

Every year I look forward to the ARRL june VHF contest because
the E-skip on 6m is so much fun.  This year proved to be
the most amazing conditions I have ever heard.  The band never 
closed, we never had those hours of endless unanswered CQs - is
was like we were on 10m or 20m instead of 6. 

On saturday we did not work a single station to 
the west - it was all east.  Sunday gave us an opening 
to the west and that was great but the opening to the 
east just never stopped. Our grid map has one very big 
blacked out area between 100 deg. long. and 74 deg. long.. 

These are the conditions I have dreamed about I am glad 
I didn't miss them.

The high bands were very poor and at times we wondered if we would
ever work Dallas again (a 200 mi path).  We never heard any 
2m Es. 

Thanks for all of the QSOs and fun. 


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