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Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [VHFcontesting] WSJT - FSK441 (score: 1)
Author: (Randy Wing)
Date: Thu Jun 19 16:44:12 2003
Can anyone help me with the frequency to listen for FSK441 contacts? Same question for JT44? A web page would be perfect... I know this sounds silly - but I didn't see it on the WSJT pages. Randy N0L
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2003-06/msg00814.html (6,735 bytes)

2. [VHFcontesting] FT-840 vs. FT-726R; works - doesn't work (score: 1)
Author: (Randy Wing)
Date: Thu Jun 19 16:44:12 2003
I have a setup that allows me to key in PSK31 on an FT-840 Yaesu HF radio. I also have a FT-726R Yaesu 2 meter all mode radio - same pinouts on the microphone. However, it doesn't work using the WSJT
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2003-06/msg00821.html (7,198 bytes)

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