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References: [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [VHFcontesting] Re: [Yaesu] HTs and metal siding (score: 1)
Author: (Glen Zook)
Date: Sun Jul 6 22:49:03 2003
Any metal enclosure will affect the performance of a portable (HT is a registered trademark of Motorola!). If you are using the "rubber duck" type of antenna they are, in practice, about 9 to 10 dB d
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2003-07/msg00024.html (8,779 bytes)

2. [VHFcontesting] Re: [Yaesu] RFI/Power line noise problem (score: 1)
Author: (Glen Zook)
Date: Thu Jun 19 16:44:23 2003
You need to get with the ARRL and the FCC. The FCC has started coming down "hard" on power companies that are causing problems. However, your power company seems to be willing to work with you, not l
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2003-06/msg01427.html (11,872 bytes)

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