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References: [ 4 ]

Total 4 documents matching your query.

1. [Yaesu] FT-920 PA Schematic? (Leland Vandervort) (score: 1)
Author: PERRY BAKER <>
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2005 16:30:40 -0700 (PDT)
I have a pdf 2 meg three page Not sure if it will help I will be glad to send it to you address.? Perry Perry WA8THK Gaines Michigan _________________________________________________
/archives//html/Yaesu/2005-08/msg00004.html (6,581 bytes)

2. [Yaesu] Notch on FT 1000mp field (score: 1)
Author: PERRY BAKER <>
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 14:50:53 -0800 (PST)
I used the spectro graph sound card program to adjust the notch on my field radio. The tech book says to tune a carrier in on 20 meters and dip vr2005 and L2004 This works somewhat but not real good
/archives//html/Yaesu/2005-12/msg00014.html (6,781 bytes)

3. Re: [Yaesu] add on filter question (score: 1)
Author: PERRY BAKER <>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2005 09:36:00 -0800 (PST)
WA6FGI ASKED..... Okay, a time worn question to the group. Amd going to buy a filter to install in the 857 for ssb everyday use, but which one? The 2.3 khz add-on Yaesu filter? Or one of the Inrad fi
/archives//html/Yaesu/2005-12/msg00039.html (6,878 bytes)

4. [Yaesu] FT101zd filters (score: 1)
Author: PERRY BAKER <>
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 11:06:26 -0800 (PST)
Hello Andy Have you tried INRAD International Crystal co ? Perry WA8THK Perry WA8THK Gaines Michigan __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired
/archives//html/Yaesu/2006-02/msg00011.html (6,434 bytes)

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