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References: [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [Yaesu] FT-101E rcv-xmt offset? (score: 1)
Author: (Ron Pfeiffer)
Date: Wed Jan 22 14:43:51 2003
The transmit frequency is not the same as the receive frequency even with the clarify off. With the clarify on, if I wiggle the clarify pushbutton the receive freq changes. If I enable/disable over a
/archives//html/Yaesu/2003-01/msg00034.html (7,098 bytes)

2. [Yaesu] FT-101E rcv-xmt offset? (score: 1)
Author: (Ron Pfeiffer)
Date: Wed Jan 22 14:55:42 2003
The transmit frequency is not the same as the receive frequency even with the clarify off. With the clarify on, if I wiggle the clarify pushbutton the receive freq changes. If I enable/disable over a
/archives//html/Yaesu/2003-01/msg00035.html (7,088 bytes)

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